Monday, December 2, 2013

Scenes of Romance

I don't know about you, but I find writing love scenes of any sort extremely awkward. Whenever my characters happen to be a pair of lovers -- they are involved in a scene of romance or a quarrel -- I have to stop partway through the drafting of it. I try to let go of whatever hang-ups I have by writing out the phrase "So Awkward" in the midst of the happenings.

My theory is that I have an allergy to cheese. As soon as things stray into romance territory -- whenever a plot calls for a love scene -- I feel myself cringing. I always want my writing to be at least somewhat believable. I don't want it to become saccharine. Besides, gooey sweet love stories are not something that I personally enjoy. And so I balk at the prospect altogether.

But plots will call for what they will. Characters, fictional as they may be, don't always do what we want them to. And so I present to you my playlist for writing romance scenes. There is quite a bit of cheese included here, but that's because I need it in order to bring out my inner (deeply buried) romantic.

I used to have a playlist player here. It's not working for me anymore -- don't ask me why. However, the list lives on on YouTube! You can see it if you follow the link above.

Oh, what? You don't think it's that corny? I could do much, much worse I guess. I could indulge in a lot of songs that are as phony as artificial sweetener. But that's it. That's as much cheese as I can handle, thank you very much.

It's not like I think fictional characters shouldn't fall in love or something. It's more that I know a million and a half ways to screw up romantic subplots. And I am terrified of screwing them up. So, here's to silencing the inner censor with love songs.

What do you think of my list? Is it too romantic for you, or not quite sweet enough? What do you listen to while writing love scenes?

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