Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Build Me Up II

Hey kids. I realize that this blog, compared to my other two, has been suffering. Other than my perfunctory 'Just for Fun Friday' posts each week, I've been neglecting this one.

But, fret not, I have a few planned entries in my back pocket...one of which I might actually post this week!

In the meantime, I wanted to write a little follow-up to yesterday's blog post on my author blog. Since this morning I've discovered that there's a new Eminem song out, and well...I'm finding it inspiring.

There's a line of thought that runs through most of his latest work that just keeps me coming back to these songs. That of motivation/inspiration for anyone (read: me) who feels the weight of obscurity, lack of recognition while working on artistic projects, et cetera.

And while it may be that Eminem has hit his AC-like era (as all artists seem to do as they reach middle-age...why is that, btw?) and maybe has gone soft -- hey, I'm a fan...so maybe that's evidence enough of going soft? I mean, in his different incarnations, Eminem has been one of those artists who's been around since I was a teenager, but I couldn't like his music back then. I couldn't even listen to it. I was all rock, all the time. Entertaining anything else was just not allowed. That's how things worked in my teenaged world. Now that I can listen to his music, I find it oddly...fortifying. Maybe we all go a little soft when we hit the thirty- or forty-somethings.

Okay, so here's to fortification:

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